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Debtor Rights


Attorney John Austin has also represented debtors in negotiating workouts or settlements with creditors. Attorney John Austin can also defend collection suits, because he knows the tactics and strategy of the attorneys representing the creditors. While Mr. Austin typically does not offer bankruptcy services, he can advise when consultation with a bankruptcy attorney is in a clients best interest.


Austin Law Offies can defend consumers against predatory corporate business practices by enforcing the consumer protection laws, both through individual cases and class actions. Mr. Austin has expertise in many areas of consumer law, including unfair debt collection practices, credit reporting, repossessions, auto dealer fraud, and North Carolina's unfair and deceptive acts and practices law (Chapter 75 of the North Carolina General Statutes).

This web site is designed for general information only. The information present at this site should not be construed to be neither formal legal advice nor the formation of an attorney/client relationship. Emailing the Firm also does  not create an attorney/client relationship unless expressly acknowledged by Attorney John Austin. While we have attempted to maintain the information on this web site as accurately as possible, this information may contain errors or omissions, for which we disclaim any liability..


The Law Offices of John Austin, PLLC


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